Gandrung is a dance that originated from the town of Banyuwangi, East Java. This dance is the mother of the art of Banyuwangi, like Macoan, Kedogan, very influenced by dance Gandrung. Gandrung dance is a dance that has its own characteristics both from the way the motion and the rules in dance, before dancingGandrung dancers are required to put squeeze or offerings, if not done dancers and music players will be experiencing pain or obstruction.
The film tells the story of a Gandrung dancer who has the responsibility and expectation of Gandrung dancing, Mesti was born on 05 July 1954, Thursday wage. When she was 6 months should always sickly, eventually he became a child by his aunt. His aunt had to have great promise if the aunt will make him Gandrung dancer. in 1969 when he was 15 years old he started learning to dance Gandrung, not Gandrung but only dance dance lined, semblangan, and mask dance was also studied. since then he has to many calls for dancing at weddings and traditional event, she dancing Gandrung to responsibility as citizens of Indonesia who preserve their culture, although there is only man who teased him when he danced, saw the wild look, and consider women inferior.
At the conclusionGandrung Dance is a dance that was so beautiful even though dancers underestimated infatuated love is considered as women who have no self-esteem that display the toss and his private parts in public, and sometimes Gandrung dances inlet being harassed by the community local. but nevertheless devoted to dance is one of the Indonesian culture that should be proud of and preserved for Animal Production, depending on how we view it in terms of the beauty of Indonesian culture..
An intelligent human being is a human being who likes to receive and ask for advice.(Muhammad SAW)
GANDRUNG "Panggilan Jiwa Yang Menari " An Educational Film Culture
Post by
faiza fy
Oct 28, 2009
resensi film
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