


Sep 27, 2010


The Internet is a global network of computers of the world, big and very wide at all in which each computer are connected to each other from country to country around the world and contains various information, ranging from text, images, audio, video, and more. Internet itself comes from the word Interconnection Networking, which means the relationship of many computer networks with various types and species, using a type of communication such as telephone, salelit, and other (

While the definition is in Psychology old term called the soul of science is derived from the English word psychology. The word psychology are the two root words derived from languages Greekpsyche which means soul; logos meaning science. So literally psychology is the sci

          Advances in technology today can not be separated from public life. A variety of information that occurred in various parts of the world, can now be directly we know thanks to advances in technology (globalization).
          Of course this technological advancement is so great cause changes in human life with all the civilization and culture. This change also provides enormous impact on the transformation of values that exist in society. Especially people with oriental cultures and customs, such as Indonesia. Currently, in Indonesia, can we see so much influence on the technological advances that cultural values in the embrace of society, both urban and rural communities (modernization). Technological advances such as television, telephones and mobile phones (HP), even the internet is not only plagued urban communities, but also has to be enjoyed by people in rural outposts. As a result, all the valuable information both positive and negative, can be easily accessed by the public. And on admit it or not, slowly began to change thethe pattern of life and thought patterns of society , especiallyrural communities with all the image that characterizes their


Regarding the impact of the Internet as a tool of self exploration, the psychologist saw it hanging from the private users. Of course the Internet would be beneficial if they can improve a person's life, and instead become a disease if the person makes a mess of life. Adverse effects would occur if the Internet is used as a means to isolate themselves. Many people do not realize that he was eventually closed to social communication either because keasikan ngebrowse or because the Internet is used as an escape from the problems associated with personality. This can happen because there are individuals that display different personalities at the time of online with offline. The motivation behind it is different from one person to another. The problem will be complicated if the reason is because the individual is not satisfied / love with himself (probably because of a sense of self-conscious, embarrassed, or feel does not deserve), then creates and displays a very different personality from her original. Often he preferred in engineering a new personality because looks ideal for him. In fact, according to the psychologist, this is not true and not healthy. Why is that?

Michelle Weil, a renowned psychologist and author, gives concrete examples about a girl who was shunned by her friends and then spend time chatting mojok ria by displaying a very contradictory character with its original character. As a result, over time he got away with the existing social fact, can not even accept myself as is. According to experts such as renowned psychoanalyst Erich Fromm, this condition is called neurosis. Conditions of prolonged neurosis will result in serious mental disorders. Michelle further added, latent danger is the formation of an online personality that is different from the original.

Of course there is the positive influence of use (not addiction) internet on one's personality. Reid Steere, a sociologist from Los Angeles said, if someone uses the Internet as a medium of self exploration with full consciousness, he would experience growth as a result of the reflection of himself in full via the Internet.

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